Capacity Updates & Hot Weather Info
What do the Colours Mean?
GREEN - A facility in the GREEN zone is not near capacity and is open and ready for visitors.
ORANGE - The ORANGE zone means that the facility is close to reaching capacity.
RED - The RED zone means that the venue has reached capacity and a lock out will be initiated. Entry will be 1-in-1-out, and when this occurs, we suggest visiting one of the other facilities as an alternative.
What is Capacity at our facility?
Keilor East Leisure Centre (KELC) occupancy limit determines the maximum number of people that are able to safely be in the venue at any one time. We will issue Orange updates when we are nearing the capacity limit and Red updates when it is reached. Once our facility has reached capacity we will be at Lock Out.
What is a Lock Out?
When KELC reaches capacity, a Lock Out will be enacted to manage the safety of all visitors. Lock outs will generally occur in aquatic areas and is more prevalent on hot days when a large number of visitors use the aquatic areas. We recommend you keep an eye on our social media channels to see which of our other facilities have capacity.
What does a Lock Out mean for you?
During a lock out we will work to a 1-in-1-out policy. Therefore, there will be a wait to come in to the facility, and entry will be gained when the same number of people leave the venue. We cannot advise how long you may be waiting in outside the facility, as it determined by how many people leave the facility prior to entering.
Given the number of people in the facility, it may impact wait times for showers and toilets. We ask that you be respectful to other patrons and keep showers brief.
Security will likely be in place during lock out and will be assisting people into the venue and will be checking bags for prohibited items.
Are pass-outs offered during lock out?
Pass-outs are not provided during lock out.
What if I am a GOswim member or here to attend childcare, the gym, group fitness class or booking?
Please use the member entry queue.
We recommend downloading and using the Cerge App prior to attending KELC. Cérge is a communications platform for organisations to provide personalised service to customers with disability. It is used to provide customers with a way of communicating to venues and providers, and allows venues to pre-plan for a persons visit to the facility.
Cérge at Keilor East Leisure Centre:
It is important to remember that capacity limits are in place to ensure the safety of all visitors to our facility.
Whilst you are in the facility please follow our Terms and Conditions.